Bad Ending: Do not recruit all seven characters during the final chapter.Defeat the final boss and opt to spare them at the end. Normal Ending: Do not recruit all seven characters during the final chapter.True Ending: Recruit all seven characters during the final chapter.Here is information on the requirements for unlocking those three endings, and further details on character recruitment can be found below: SNES RPG fans that select one of the seven non-Oersted characters will have the opportunity to earn three different endings.

This will cause the "Flee" command to be replaced with "Armageddon," and selecting it will trigger the ending. Armageddon Ending: Get to low health during any of the chapter's boss battles.Notably, this action will actually trigger a boss rush mode, rather than the aforementioned final chapter, and here are details on how to access both of its endings: There are two endings that players can pursue after completing the Middle Ages chapter and selecting Oersted. Square Enix fans must select a character before starting this final chapter, and picking Oersted will lead to a Villain ending, while picking any other character will lead to a Hero ending. For full clarity, the Middle Ages chapter is unlocked by finishing all seven of the chapters that are available upon starting the game, and players that complete it will gain access to one final chapter. The endings to Live a Live can be divided into two categories, Hero and Villain, and fans will decide which category they want to pursue after completing the Middle Ages chapter. RELATED: Live a Live: How Long to Beat Live a Live: All Endings Guide While an attempt was made to minimize those spoilers, and the specifics of the endings themselves will not be revealed, players should be aware of their existence before reading on. Prior to getting into those requirements it is important to note that some spoilers for the Live a Live remake are to be found in what follows. For those fans that are interested in seeing all of Live a Live's endings, this guide details the requirements that must be fulfilled in order to obtain each of them. Indeed, there are multiple endings to this classic JRPG, and it is not particularly difficult to trigger them all. As players come to the conclusion of Live a Live, they will face some choices that will ultimately determine which ending they receive.